Promote the need for sincere information for a democracy based on trust

Tag: Sincerity

Many are those who now constantly claim to be “truthful” or “authentic” to assert their legitimacy, feeding into a glorification of transparency. Whether in the management of private organizations or […]

38 tricks and methods to appear to be right despite being objectively wrong, or to defeat your opponent by arguing in bad faith. A short treatise for anyone who is […]

The conversations surrounding sincerity are as fierce and vivid as they are muddled. Yvon Belaval analyzes the ways in which sincerity relates to truth, knowledge and self-expression. In The concern […]

Concealing oneself behind a mask, as Descartes once claimed, has become a necessity for anybody wishing to participate in the “spectacle society” that democracy has become. Montesquieu’s In Praise of […]

Recognised as a reference standard, the principle of sincerity in finance laws permeates the entire budgetary and financial process. In terms of effectiveness, the principle of sincerity is about to […]

Is it possible to renew the journalistic profession? Is it possible to adopt a different stance between producer and consumer of news so as to instore trust? Through this investigation, […]

A fake news detection system aims to assist users in detecting and filtering out varieties of potentially deceptive news. The prediction of the chances that a particular news item is […]

La presse a du plomb dans l’aile, et le public semble en avoir ras le bol des informations déversées du matin au soir sur les ondes. Pourquoi et comment en sommes-nous arrivés là ?

Social media is becoming a dominant factor in electoral processes, with platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and WhatsApp increasingly having a tremendous influence on the creation, dissemination and consumption of […]

Deception has become the modern way of life. Where once the boundary line between truth and lies was clear and distinct, it is no longer so. In the post-truth era, […]

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Endowment fund for the creation of the Fondation Descartes
8, Avenue du Président Wilson 75116 Paris.
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