What proportion of time spent online is dedicated to the consultation of news information? Which online information sources do the French consult most?
The Fondation Descartes is currently conducting several studies to better understand the mechanisms of information and disinformation in France. These studies are intended to fuel the public debate on the importance of sincere, complete and accurate information.
What proportion of time spent online is dedicated to the consultation of news information? Which online information sources do the French consult most?
(1) The French and online media. The second study in progress deals with French people’s relationship with online media. How do the French interact with online media? How much trust do they place in the media they consume on the Internet? Few studies have been conducted on the evolution of the use of digital media in France. Our research aims to help fill this gap.
(2) French people's trust in the media. The third ongoing study intends to identify levers that would allow for the improvement of the relationship of trust between the French and the media. The observation of a feeling of mistrust towards the media in France is recurrent. Our ambition is to go beyond this diagnosis, and to investigate ways in which it would be possible to restore trust between the population and its journalists.