Promote the need for sincere information for a democracy based on trust

Tag: Civil society

Television has habituated us to visual entertainment measured out in spoonfuls of time. But what happens when we come to expect the same things from our politics and public discourse? […]

"The blackmoustachio'd face gazed downfrom every commanding corner. There was one on the house-frontimmediately opposite. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, the caption said, while the dark eyes looked deep into […]

Is it possible to renew the journalistic profession? Is it possible to adopt a different stance between producer and consumer of news so as to instore trust? Through this investigation, […]

Deception has become the modern way of life. Where once the boundary line between truth and lies was clear and distinct, it is no longer so. In the post-truth era, […]

Disinformation was used during the Cold War and its use grew with globalization, before the Internet and social networks opened up new horizons. As we explore the mechanisms of what […]

Misinformation consists in making a false message and then disseminating it in a way that seems neutral and for a strategic purpose. It is always a question of acting negatively […]

Technology as it develops today holds out tremendous hope... But it is also intrusive, domineering and an instrument of polarization.

Endowment fund for the creation of the Fondation Descartes
8, Avenue du Président Wilson 75116 Paris.
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