Promote the need for sincere information for a democracy based on trust
The Fondation Descartes' experts select and comment on key publications on disinformation, trust in the media and the Foundation's other research topics. This data base is available online to members of the Foundation and in the Foundation's documentation centre.
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A lobster platter or a yellow vest, a candidate's suit or an American president's tweet – we either choose to be visible or we suffer from it, but we can […]

On August 31, 2020, Facebook removed a network of 55 Facebook accounts,42 Pages and 36 Instagram accounts attributed to the US-based strategic communications firm CLS Strategies for engaging in coordinated […]

Fake news, hoaxes, conspiracy theories, rumors? Disinformation would appear to be everywhere, and the truth nowhere to be found. These questions preoccupy our societies, in which the Internet seemingly allows […]

What we can learn about human nature from the informative, manipulative, confusing, and amusing messages at the bottom of the web. Online comment can be informative or misleading, entertaining or […]

An article that retraces the history of the term "fake news" and attempt to identify the various scientific approaches to the phenomenon: producers, consumers, and the different appreciations of the […]

With far-reaching implications, Lynch's argument charts a path from Plato's cave to Shannon's mathematical theory of information to Google Glass, illustrating that technology itself isn't the problem, nor is it […]

Conspiracy theories attempt to explain events as the secretive plots of powerful people. While conspiracy theories are not typically supported by evidence, this doesn’t stop them from blossoming. Conspiracy theories […]

Critical thinking has always been an asset. But in today’s increasingly digital and globalized world, robust forms of thinking have become a necessity. With more and more information at our […]

The rise of fake news highlights the erosion of long-standing institutional bulwarks against misinformation in the internet age. Concern over the problem is global. However, much remains unknown regarding the […]

This study seeks to understand how political misinformation spreads. To do so, it is bases itself on the popular assumption that citizens are distrustful of the mainstream media. It then […]

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Endowment fund for the creation of the Fondation Descartes
8, Avenue du Président Wilson 75116 Paris.
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