Repeated factual statements are considered truer than new statements.
This study maps and analyses current and future threats from online misinformation, alongside currently adopted socio-technical and legal approaches.
Information is increasingly seen as a common good, the protection of which falls into all citizens concerned with the quality of public debate.
Among the long list of electoral interference attempts in recent years, one case is especially important to study: the 2017 French presidential election, because it failed. It failed in the […]
Corrélation ou causalité ? Cette étude teste le lien entre les croyances superstitieuses et la propension à effectuer des associations d'idées entre des faits éloignés.
Depuis 2016, il y a eu une explosion d'intérêt pour la désinformation et son rôle dans les élections. Les recherches menées par les organes d'information, les organismes gouvernementaux...
An increasingly popular tactic challenges conventional wisdom on the spread of electoral disinformation: the creation of partisan outlets masquerading as local news organizations. An investigation by the Tow Center for […]