Promote the need for sincere information for a democracy based on trust

Category: Newspaper article

This article presents the way the French get information on the Internet, and explains the phenomenon of "browsing" online.

This study provides recommendations to journalists to help them report more accurately on scientific work.

How to regulate digital platforms? Jean-Philippe Hecketsweiler and Laurent Cordonier's opinion piece published in Les Echos.

Requiring social networks to regulate the content published on their platforms will, according to Laurent Cordonier, expose us to the risks of a form of digital precautionism restricting individual freedoms.

The bushfires in Australia in the winter of 2019-2020 are a feast for the manufacturers of doubt present on social media. Climate sceptics are debunking sound scientific theses, and calling […]

Sociologist Laurent Cordonier, researcher at Fondation Descartes, reveals the main factors behind the modern success of conspiracy theories.

Endowment fund for the creation of the Fondation Descartes
8, Avenue du Président Wilson 75116 Paris.
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