The Pro-Truth Pledge is a community of citizens who have pledge to contribute to the transition from the post-truth era, towards the pro-truth era.
The Pro-Truth Pledge is a community of citizens who have pledge to contribute to the transition from the post-truth era, towards the pro-truth era.
McGill University's research center focuses on disinformation in the digital ecosystem, in an effort to defend democracy and promote social cohesion. It monitors social networks, participates in international research cooperation and in the development of public policies.
Initiative introduced during the Canadian G7 of 2018 that aims to identify measures and practices that could contribute to fighting foreign disinformation (particularly concerning China and Russia).
The NGO fosters media inclusivity and reliability, particularly in the Middle Neast, Northern Africa, the Americas, the Balkans and Caucasia.
Presserat is the foremost union for journalists in Austria. It notably undertakes actions to guarantee the ethical criteria of journalistic information, namely with regards to information manipulation, via the Ehrenkodex für die österreichische Presse initiative.
This think tank possesses an empirical research department concerned with understanding the mechanisms that shape attitudes, political preferences, etc., when interacting with social media, and therefore with information.
Foundation of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, working towards a sincere, better-informed, and thus more secure democracy.
The Bertelsmann Foundation participates in research and in the financing of projects related to education, culture, European themes and democracy.
Heinrich Böll Stitung is the foundation of the German Green Party, which contributes to the reflection on media and democracy in the digital age.