Promote the need for sincere information for a democracy based on trust

Learning to decipher on-screen information

Divina Frau-Meigs

Anybody who regularly browses social networks can observe that the Internet is as much a goldmine of information as it is a maze of fake news. How can we navigate this contrast? How should media literacy be taught to the youth? The strategies conceived for a paper-based world are no longer sufficient in a digital era in which images reign supreme.

In this third and final episode of our series “Learning, the Screen Revolution,” Divina Frau-Meigs, professor of communication and information sciences, and member of the Board of the Fondation Descartes, explains how computers, smartphones and tablets are complexifying our reading habits, and which tools can be used in order to become aware of our cognitive biases and to better manage the abundance of messages addressed to us.

Aurélie Djavadi, The Conversation

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Conception, Aurélie Djavadi. Production, Romain Pollet.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons licence. You can read here the original article (in French).

Topic :  Media Literacy  
Format :    
Edition :  In extenso  
Country :  France 
Language  :  French 
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