Promote the need for sincere information for a democracy based on trust

Category: Book

The One-Dimensional Man is a work by Herbert Marcuse, German philosopher of the Frankfurt School. Through this militant work, Herbert Marcuse emphasizes that capitalism and liberal democracy are the major […]

Liberalism, today, is not looked on favorably. It is indeed being put to the test, between those who use it to justify their cowardly abandonment and those who use it […]

What is truth? This book defends a new answer to this question. Traditional theories of truth hold that truth has only a single uniform nature. All truths are true in […]

The 1922 book Public Opinion is Lippman's assessment of functional democratic government and the role of citizens in a democracy ; it examines the dilemmas presented in such a revolutionary […]

Europe is worried. This is the time to listen to the words of the greatest European philosopher of our time, known for his vigorous thinking and iconoclastic ideas. In four […]

Gustave Le Bon delivers a study that remains relevant today. The ideas developed by the author would have inspired democrats such as Roosevelt, Clemenceau, Poincaré, Churchill and de Gaulle, but […]

Deception has become the modern way of life. Where once the boundary line between truth and lies was clear and distinct, it is no longer so. In the post-truth era, […]

This book blows the lid off of today's multi-billion-dollar propaganda-for-hire PR industry, revealing how public relations wizards concoct and spin the news, organize phony "grassroots" front groups, spy on citizens […]

Jean Stoetzel's book takes stock of research in social psychology, the human science that studies the social conditions of behaviour. After a historical and epistemological introduction, five parts give an […]

In the current state of knowledge, we know a lot about survey techniques but we do not know how to answer the question: what is public opinion? This book identifies […]

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