Promote the need for sincere information for a democracy based on trust

Tag: Free market of ideas

The NGO AVAAZ has published a report that criticizes Facebook’s management of its platform during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The authors of this report note that there exists a strong link between the toxicity of the social media conversations surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the worsening of the public health situation after March 26, 2020, the intensification of criticisms by political leaders, and the media treatment of the role played by the WHO in the management of the pandemic.

The World Wide Web has changed the dynamics of information transmission and agenda-setting. Facts mingle with half-truths and untruths to create factitious informational blends (FIBs) that drive speculative politics. The […]

Thanks to technological advances and increasing levels of education, we have access to more information than ever before. Yet rather than ushering in a new era of enlightenment, the information […]

Although nearly all domain experts agree that carbon dioxide emissions are altering the world’s climate, segments of the public remain unconvinced by the scientific evidence. The findings parallel to those […]

This book, written by columnist Eric Alterman, challenges the widespread conservative belief in a liberal media bias.

Discredited conspiracy theories and ideologies have resurfaced, proven science is once more up for debate and Russian propaganda floods our screens.

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